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Production process in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-10-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: product introductionproduction planningproductionreproductionproduction functionpreproductionunproductiveoverproduction
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1. Her job is to superintend the production process.
2. The production process is now fully automated .
3. The production process is to be streamlined.
4. The production process is now highly mechanized.
5. Massive investment is needed to automate the production process.
6. We need to root out inefficiencies in the production process.
7. The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
8. The food was contaminated during the production process.
9. The production process typically has several stages.
10. Inspection is another important activity in the production process.
11. Any delay in the production process is costly to a company.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. Each stage in the production process thus pays tax on the value it has added; hence the tax's name.
13. In other words, each state in the production process can only be begun once the previous stage has been completed.
14. The factory manager used a flowchart to explain the production process.
15. Economists assign value to resources based on their relative value in the production process, Preston says.
16. Shewhart was among the first to establish a scientific foundation for quality control and techniques for monitoring production process efficiency.
17. For example, the professional footballer is an integral part of the production process of producing a football match.
18. They differ mainly in the season of the year when they are made and in the details of the production process.
19. This information could then be used by those controlling the production process to take appropriate corrective action.
20. Sutton and Packford both cut their teeth on the old hot-metal newspaper production process.
21. This eliminates the need for an operator at the machine itself to intervene continually in the production process.
22. Each operating team consisted of twelve to eighteen employees with skills and responsibility for completing all steps in the production process.
23. These complexed substances are then very difficult to remove in the drinking water production process.
24. Management at Digital wanted employees to change jobs and develop skills as the products and the production process developed.
25. Sport can possess the characteristic of a capital good, one that yields a return as part of a market production process.
26. We will introduce new product labels, showing information such as energy consumption during use and the environmental impact of the production process.
27. Here she reported on his involvement in the newly formed dairy co-operative and of the development of his on-farm yoghurt production process.
28. Industrial policy is designed to offset other sources of market failure which arise in the production process.
29. The decision to stop the line is with the employee, as is the decision to review the production process.
30. This is true whether the end product is a manufactured item for sale or a production process for producing it.
More similar words: product introductionproduction planningproductionreproductionproduction functionpreproductionunproductiveoverproductionproduction costover productionmass productionproduction quotaprimary productionproduction controlmeans of productionproduction factorsproduction managersexual reproductionasexual reproductionproduction efficiencyfactors of productionproductivenessin processproductiveproductivityreproductiveproductivelygross national productproduct differentiationintroduction
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